Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Delivery Man of Bad Times

Your right, it's Tuesday movie night!

So far there are a couple movies that are out that I still havn't seen. I knocked off Captain Phillips last week, and Thor a couple weeks before. And now.... Unfortunately... Delivery Man.

Delivery Man is about a guy who, when he was young, donated to a sperm bank for money 653 times, without thinking about the reprocussions. And many years later he finds out that he has 533 children. He signed the confidentiality forms under the name "Starbuck" so all 533 children are trying to find out who the mystery Starbuck is.

Now Vince Vaughn is known for his comedy's, of which he has made few good ones. The most recent being The Internship (I recommend you all watch), which turned out to be an actually good comedy with his co-star Owen Wilson. But there are many, many, Vince Vaughn movies that are not good. Including one of his first movies "Swingers", a movie he starred in that isn't worth the time searching for on Netflix, nonetheless watching.

And I'm afraid he has let us down again.

I went into this movie thinking, "this is gonna be a great comedy, good plot, good everything". And I came out thinking that the best thing about the film was that Robin Sherbatsky was in it. This is a movie that is supposed to be funny, but they also for some reason tried to add some heartwarming and sad moments in. And they just came across as depressing, and uncomfortable. Nothing you were expecting when you walked into the theatre.

The last half of the movie seemed to be the best part of the film, but still, it didn't make the movie like the ending of Captain Phillips did.

So I will have to give this one a 2.2 out of 4.

The Dusty Wahl's Final Verdict... 

See this movie, only, if you have seen everything else in the theatre.

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