Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Cyber Monday

Black Friday is an interesting concept. It's the day after Thanksgiving, and because fo this, everything is on sale for 50 percent off or more almost everywhere. I've never understood why the day after Thanksgiving there is just a nationwide shopping holiday. I imagine a store owner somewhere saying, "Hey, we never get anybody coming in the day after Thanksgiving. Let's just sell everything for basically no money, that will get people in here."

I remember back in elementary school it was the big thing to wake up and wait in line at 6 am in front of Best Buy to get the cheap TV when they opened at 8. And then in middle school, it was the big thing to wake up at 4 to go to the store at 5. But now, people don't even have to sleep. They have to wake up Thanksgiving day, eat super quick, and then sit in line for four hours so that they can be the first to walk in to Best Buy when they open at 6 pm on Thanksgiving. There is no more Black Friday, it's now Black Thursday.

However, the times, they are a changin.

So we now have Cyber Monday...

Now Cyber Monday I have to say is a great idea, in theory. It's like communism, looks great on paper, however it truly does suck!

This year I decided, I wasn't going to be participating in Black Friday, I was going to relax, maybe go see a movie. I was going to wait until Monday, when I could sit on my couch and buy everything I wanted on my computer. Again, a great idea.

However there is one thing that I did not account for. Since there is a ton of sales going on Black Friday, and even thursday, everything is being bought already. Which means.... Everything is out of stock!
The reason I wanted to do Cyber Monday was so that I could get a new suit. I went into the store a week early, found out what size I needed, and BAM. I was ready to make a couple clicks and I would have a super cheap suit.


Instead, I went online and realized there were no more sizes left of anything. Unless I was 7 feet tall or weighed 400 pounds. I was mislead, fooled, bamboozled! All of the big hype about Cyber Monday being better than Black Friday, it's all wrong!  I thought I had a bad experience during Black Friday when I got whipped with a cane from an old Grandma... But I was wrong...

The Dusty Wahl's Words of Wisdom...

 STAY AWAY from Cyber Monday. It will instill in you hope, and desire, but will give you NOTHING!

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