Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Captain Phillips

Tom Hanks. Is a great actor. We all know this, a lot of people know this. He's done a lot of great movies like Big, Castaway, and probably the most famous, Forest Gump. However, he has once again taken his acting career one step farther. In his most recent movie, Captain Phillips.

Captain Phillips is based on a true story about a ship captain who is taking a cargo ship around the horn of Africa, when his ship is taken over by Somalian pirates. The pirates board the ship, they eventually take the Captain, Tom Hanks, hostage with them, and the Navy intervenes.

Now like I said, Tom Hanks has done a lot of movies, and he is a very well known actor. And I just talked to one of my friends who said something very interesting about Tom Hanks which seemed to be very true. He said that whenever he watches Tom Hanks act, it's good, however whenever he is playing a character he always sees Tom Hanks playing some guy, not the character. Now after you think about it you realize, yea thats true. Tom Hanks is Tom Hanks, and it's hard to see him as anything else. However this movie totally changes that.

During the entire first 2 hours of the movie (which is almost all of it) it is a good film, very entertaining, it never lost your attention, and it had some good writing, and very realistic. However during that entire time you were watching Tom Hanks playing Captain Phillips, and you can even laugh at some of the events that are going on. And I would rate this part to be at about a 3.14 out of 4.

But the last 5 minutes is when this film really comes to life. Now I'm not going to tell you what happens because I have to say in confidence, that it truly blew my mind, I still can't believe what I saw. And I'm not talking about there being a zombie apocolypse at the end, or everybody dies. I'm saying that Tom Hanks' acting in the last 5 minutes of the movie was absolutely amazing. Some of the best acting I've seen in a long time.

And because of this I have to give this movie 2 ratings. The entire movie being a 3.14 out of 4, and the last 7 minutes of it a 4/4.

An absolutely amazing movie.

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