Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Dusty Wahl: International Hooligan


In case you were all wondering why you weren't able to read insane, spine tingling, hilarious content for the past couple months it is because The Dusty Wahl Blog has been on a hiatus. One that is finally over. 

During that hiatus we were working on various important tasks pertaining to the blog so that we could better serve you, our loyal readers. The most exciting creation that came out of the hiatus was our new segment that will be coming out shortly. This is a special series of blog posts that are going to be uncovering the wonders of Europe. One of our best writers is going to be shipping off the day after christmas to give us a first hand look at what Germany, Switzerland, and Italy have to offer. He is going to be covering everything from architecture, to local cuisine. It is a long awaited series that we here at The Dusty Wahl are very excited for, and you should be to. 

So stay tuned for, 

The Dusty Wahl: International Hooligan

Wise words from The Dusty Wahl...

Now that we are back, stay tuned for the craziest international ride of your life since European Vacation.  

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Happy Season Opener!

That's right, it's finally here. I know it's been on everybody's mind for a long while now. But there's no time to be nervous, cause it's the 2014 Internship Season Opener!!!!!

Today I am going out hunting the good hunt, and I wish the best for everybody. It's a tough game out there. But if the pre-season has anything to say about how the regular season is going to go. We are going for the gold! Hope everyone thinks the same.

Wise Word's from The Dusty Wahl...

Happy Hunting Everybody

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Welcome Back

It's been awhile since I've blogged, and for only mediocre reasons. Yesterday marked the start of my fourth week of college at the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire, and as expected by everybody but me, there is a ton of reading and work. Sadly because of this The Dusty Wahl has been put on the backburner. However from now on you all can look forward to and increase in posts these upcoming months.

Here at The Dusty Wahl we have big hopes for great content ranging from cooking, to movies, to tech reviews.

This is a great time for all of you to start reading and new readers to join the loyal community! Tell your friends, tell your family, tell your coworkers.


Wise Words from The Dusty Wahl...

Check back in later this week for a great new piece that's currently in the works.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

1000 Page Views!

I know it's been a while since The Dusty Wahl has posted something, and we here at the Wahl are very sad about this too. But even in these darkest of hours of silence there is one great thing to talk about.

The Dusty Wahl has finally passed the 1000 page view mark! This is a great accomplishment for the Wahl as we have been working hard for the past 10 months to try and make this blog what it is today. We want to thank all of our loyal readers for their relentless support and great feedback. We wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for you.

We are going to be continually working hard to make this 1000 paigeviews more of a weekly event. So stay tuned and see what we got in store for you!

Wise Words from The Dusty Wahl...

If your not reading The Dusty Wahl.


Monday, August 4, 2014

Harvard Has Done It Again

Yep, Harvard once again has molded students who are going to grow up to be millionaires in the next 5 years.

John McCallum and Brooke Nowakowski have made cake that is in an aerosol can which you spray into a pan and throw into the microwave, and you have cake. It may just be the most ingenious idea since whipped cream in a can.

They haven't come up with a name for it yet, or have even branded it yet, however they have just won 10,000 dollars from Harvard as the best entry into their Innovation Challenge. Now they are on the hunt for
a loyal distributor who will also keep the recipe to being "organic and kosher".

They greatest part about this million dollar idea was that this kid thought of the idea so he could pass his foods class final. Little did he know he is going to be a yacht owner soon. Along with 80 percent of all other Harvard Grads.

Wise Words From The Dusty Wahl...

If you decide to make cake in a can, don't worry if it's organic, people will buy it.

Its cake


Friday, July 25, 2014

Where's Wrongway Feldman When You Need Him?

A case of the Ebola virus has broken out in Nigeria, after a Liberian man died in Lagos. This is one of the other 660 victims to it since March within four west African countries.

Some of you may know the Ebola virus from the hit show Gilligan's Island, when Wrongway Feldman appears on the show.
(Wrongway Feldman Himself)

The clan of stranded islanders try to get Feldman to go back to Honolulu and get help when Gilligan fakes having Ebola. Which in the show they call Bola Bola Fever. However, instead of alerting officials that there are people stranded on an island, he steals the Bola Bola cure and they stay stranded. So where is Wrongway now?

Well the he's somewhere other than Lagos, so the Minister of Health, Onyebuchi Chukwu, has said, "All ports of entry into Nigeria including airports, seaports, and land borders are placed on red alert, Ministry of Health specialists have been positioned in all entry points. Active surveillance has also been stepped up." since this is a serious issue. They have also started to make a list of all the people the victim might have been in contact with before he was taken by the virus.

Symptoms of Ebola include, fevers, headaches, and joint pains, which then worsen to bleeding from the eyes, ears, and nose. But there's something even scarier than that. The Ebola virus takes over 90 percent of all the lives it touches, which right now it is in one of the most populated nations of Africa holding over 170 million people.

The World Health Organization is also getting involved, however it has been too early for them to be of any help so far.

The Dusty Wahl's Words of Wisdom...

Stay away from Ebola.

Unless of course your friends with this guy.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

An Almost Win for Humanity

It was announced today that the CEO of Walmart in America, Bill Simon, will be leaving his position.

This could be awesome news for America. The mega store, mega billion dollar company who is known for eating local businesses and leaving their customers disgruntled (to put it nicely) could have been on a road to reform. Changing their ways could make them millions of more dollars from the people who want to spend less on daily items, yet still have a moral compass too strong to be cohersed to shop there now.

However, the CEO of Walmart in Asia, Greg Foran, will be taking his place. This means that the company had a huge chance to change it's ways. Instead they decided to take one of the few people who have been doing the exact same thing, but just in a different hemisphere.

So Walmart, I'm sorry, you chose poorly.

The Dusty Wahl's Words of Wisdom...

If you hate Walmart, still don't shop there. Nothing will change in the near future.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Chromebooks: Perfect for the Everyday Person

What do you use a computer for on a daily basis? Emails, searching, writing documents, working on spreadsheets, or blogging? How about gaming, running software, or hacking the pentagon? If you like to do any of the latter of the two, then maybe chromebooks aren't the right fit for you. But for the everyday average Joe who doesn't care about any of that kind of stuff, or even knows how to care about it, the Chromebook is maybe just the best invention ever. It certainly is for me.

A Dusty Wahl Fun Fact...

  • All except for 3 posts on The Dusty Wahl have been done using a Chromebook. Specifically the Samsung first edition chromebook. Also known as one of the most sold laptops of 2013. 

I am currently on my second chromebook since around June of 2013. And now I know what your thinking. Why would I buy a computer if it's only going to last me 6 months? Well I would still be on my first one however, that bad boy somehow fell down the stairs. So like any other computer, it was dead. But this is the single and greatest thing about Chromebooks. They only cost between 200 and 300 dollars! So if in the rare case you loose control of your self momentarily and happen to drop the sucker down a flight of stairs, no problem! You can leave at 8 o'clock the next morning and pick up another one at your local Best Buy or Office Max. Which is the exact thing that I did. And what's even better is that all of your information you had on the Chromebook that died, is all on the cloud connected to your Gmail account (which if Gmail isn't your primary personal email device you need to take a moment and think about your decisions). So the next morning when you open up your chromebook, all you do is type in your email address, your password, and all you have is the same, but conveniently cleaner Chromebook.

It can also do almost anything you need it to. You have Google Drive at your disposal for any documents, spreadsheets, or presentations you have to make/give. You have chrome as a browser which is the best browser out there anyways. You also get a very nice keyboard, slim yet stylish design, and a great mouspad to top it all off. Yes, it might not be as good as your Macbook Pro, but your also not paying 2000 dollars for it. It is lightweight, and the essential college notetaking machine. This way, you don't have to tow around your very expensive computer, and you can do anything super serious on that when you get back to your dorm, and all of the notes are on drive waiting for you. It's also perfect for lets say, an everyday blogger.

The downsides of chromebooks. You can't download any software that you might need. You also can't play any intense games like Skyrim on it. You also can't be streaming 3 or more tv shows/movies at the same time. But lets be honest. When was the last time you were doing that?

All in all, it is probably one of the best discoveries and financial investments I've made in a long time.

Wise Words from The Dusty Wahl...

How to succeed at life: 1. Get a Gmail account.      2. Buy a Chromebook.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Planet of the Apes

I just went and saw the new Planet of the Apes the other day and The Dusty Wahl is now an official supporter of the Cesar 2016 Presidential Campaign.

What was great about the movie is that it's not just about humans fighting apes. It's about the question of equality between humans and apes. It almost reminds me of the premise of Avatar/Dances with Wolves and the question of whether these beings are animals or actually civilized.

Overall it is an amazing movie, great CGI, writing, acting, and Gary Oldman is awesome. Not to mention watching apes ride horses into battle, and apes fighting apes is insane! The only dissapointing thing about this new movie is that you didn't see any human fall in love with an ape. However, this also gives us an opportunity for more predictions!

The Dusty Wahl Predictions...

In this next movie you will finally see apes with armor on like in the original series. And there will most likely be a romance plot line between an ape and a human.

Wise Words from the Dusty Wahl...

Go see this movie and come help me put signs up for Cesars election.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Who Wants to Have a Heart Attack?

For those unaware of the House of Cards phenomenon, let me clue you in.

Starting in 2012 Kevin Spacey has been starring in a "Netflix Original" television show called House of Cards. In the show Kevin plays Frank Underwood, the house majority whip in congress. He is also power hungry, smart, and unbelievably manipulative. Apparently the character is based off of, and completely resembles Henry the III from the Shakespeare play. Well in a nut shell, this show which has some of the best writing I've ever seen, and is without-a-doubt the most intense show I've ever watched, has made Kevin Spacey maybe one of the most intimidating people in the world. At least to me.

So here's the kicker. Kevin also owns and operates the Old Vic theatre in London (a world renown theatre), and he is doing an Omaze fundraiser in which:
              You +1 will fly to the center of political power (the set of House of Cards) and hang with
              Kevin Spacey and Beau Willimon! You’ll have a Freddy's-style BBQ lunch and get to 
              perfect your acting skills when you rehearse a scene with one of the greatest actors of all
              time! Next, you’ll spend time with Beau Willimon when you get a personal tour of the stages
              and chat about writing for television and film.

Now I have never had a super close interaction with a celebrity before but if I ever met Kevin Spacey, let alone read lines and hang out with him, inside I would probably be like this.

And in reality I would be having a heart attack. Which is why I am not going to be donating money to be able to do this, because we all know. Somebody is going to die.

Wise Words From The Dusty Wahl...

Just watch the show. Nobody needs to die.

Yahoo Can't Compete

With the second quarter just ending two weeks ago, a lot of companies are starting to finish their quarterly reviews, Yahoo being one of them. And it wasn’t pretty.

Sales for Yahoo were at 1.04 billion dollars and had an earnings per share of 37 cents. This is lower than their expectations of 1.08 billion and 38 cents per share. The CEO, Marissa Mayer replied to that publicly with, “Our top priority is revenue growth and by that measure, we are not satisfied with the Q2 results. I believe we can and will do better moving forward.” obviously not ok with what happened.

Now whether they will do better or not I could not say. Right now they obviously have one of the biggest competitors on Earth, Google. But I think that the people who should really be concerned with this is not Yahoo, but Google. Because they are the biggest and baddest internet search engine out their, if Yahoo went under at some point I am sure that they would be getting slapped with lawsuits left and right for having a monopoly. Even with Yahoo being out there, they are still getting hit with anti trust cases and such.

If I were Google, I would somehow try to help them out, because let’s be honest, Google can’t be competed with, at least for now.

The Dusty Wahl’s Words of Wisdom…

Don’t go into the search engine business, Google will just eat you, or kill you.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Does the CIA Need a Douche Jar?

For those of you who don't know, in the recent primtime hit television show New Girl there is an object called the "Douche Jar". This has the same qualities of a swearing jar or any other kind of payment jar, however you have to pay the "Douche Jar" if you make a "douche move" and it seems like the CIA has some debts to pay.

This past Thursday Germany has forced the CIA's head officer stationed in Berlin to leave the country and come back to the U.S. This unexpected decision came after the German government discovered U.S agents spying on them. Germany has been a huge allie to the U.S in the past decade or two, which is why they are taking such extreme measures. The German Chancellor Angela Merkel stated publicly that "spying on allies is a waste of time and energy"

Why does the Douche Jar deserve money from the CIA? Why is this so surprising? Well first off the German government has been a huge allie to the U.S especially since they have helped numerous times when dealing with the Russians. The U.S has also helped Germany by giving them copious amounts of information on Al-Queda since many European countries have become targets after many people from Europe have gone to help fight in the civil war.

What really tips the teeter totter for me though is that along with all of the shocking information released from the Snowden files it was stated that the CIA has also been spying on German Citizens on a massive scale. Not only have they been tapping into the Citizens but it was also stated that the NSA has been tapping Angela Merkel's cell phone for years now.


So did Germany over react by "requesting" the top CIA agent to leave the country? Probably not. After knowing all that the Germans do about what the CIA has been doing, nobody should be surprised that this would happen when they found out. The same thing would be happening if somebody did that to the U.S.

But then again, I personally am not that surprised that the CIA has been doing this. I definitely think that Germany is not alone in this. The CIA is definitely spieing on other countries as well and probably more than they are on a huge allie of theirs.

The Dusty Wahl's Words of Wisdom... 

If your planning a trip to Germany, dont spy on them.
They will kick you out.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Smoreo

I know, I know. It's been a while. But the reason I have been gone so long is because I have been on a long journey to find what one man once told me was called. The Smoreo.

After searching far and wide I finally discovered what this wise man was talking about. It only took me a six hour drive and a half hour boat ride out to an island in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area in northern Minnesota to find it.

The Smoreo is one of, if not the most delicious edible thing on this planet.

First you will need a fire and a grate to go over the fire. By roasting (or grilling, which I prefer to do) a marshmallow over a fire you finish the first step, much like you would a regular smore. Next, while the marshmallow is grilling, pull an Oreo apart and place it on the grate over the fire. After the mallow is thoroughly cooked, and the Oreo frosting is only but a glaze, put the mallow on top of the glaze and place the lid onto the Smoreo.

What you will taste next is like nothing you have ever tried before.

For some people who like sugar a little bit too much (if you prefer over sugared kool-aid, this means you) you can also put a piece of chocolate on top of the mallow, but I think it is chocolately enough without it.

Please try this carefully and comment below on what you think of it. I promise, you will not be dissapointed.

Wise Words from The Dusty Wahl...

Try the Smoreo, if you don't you will regret it for the rest of your life.
If your doubting that it will be good, remember this important adage.

Disclaimer: in no way is The Dusty Wahl a promotional outlet for Nabisco. 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Other Movie I Should Have Seen Instead

If you are thinking about going to see The Other Woman. DONT. 

If you really want to know what it is about just go and see John Tucker Must Die because this movie is just a horrible knock off of that movie with more well known actresses/models and somehow worse acting. This movie was such a bust that I am actually still at it now and I had to let everybody know that they should never see it. For one Cameron Diaz isn't the worst actress in the world but she just does not fit this character. If you want to see a better film with her in it I suggest The Holiday. It is also a chick flick and a lot better. 
Lleslie man is also good but not in this movie. She did a much better job in 17 again which if you haven't seen, go see that way before you see this movie! 
And Kate Upton. WHY IS SHE IN THIS MOVIE!!! I'll tell you why. Because she is a super model and nothing else. They literally say this in the movie. They talk about how they don't know what her character brings to the table. It is absolutely horrible! 

The only good part of this movie is the guy. Who is a jerk in the movie. But he is probably the only good actor in the movie and I feel bad that he got stuck in this movie and I pray for his sake that he doesn't get murdered in Game of Thrones once the director watches this movie. 

The only reason I am watches this movie still in the theatre is.... 

Actually I take that back. He isn't that good either and this movie is sooo freaking bad I can't handle it. None of it makes sense. It is all overdramatized and NOT FUNNY. 

I don't really know how to describe this movie other than. It is the worst movie I have ever seen in my life. Mean girls is better and that's saying something because I hate that movie. This is also one of the most messed up story lines I've ever witnessed. 
For the love or god. Don't see it. I beg you. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Brain Jobs???

If any of you are familiar with the show Chuck, you know what an intersect is. If your not, well its basically a computer in your brain that lets you do anything the computer knows how to do. Like Kung Fu.

And soon, it's going to be real. There is now research going into the idea of being able to "upgrade" your brain. This will be for a numerous purposes such as learning languages, math, english, or even being able to focus more. They say that at some point in the future getting one of these "cognitive implants" will be as easy as getting a nose job, or calf implants.

First thoughts:

This would be AWESOME if somebody wanted to become a doctor or a rocket scientist but they naturally aren't good at science, they could just get an implant. Or if somebody was mentally handicapped then they could possibly get an implant that would be able to help speed up the cognitive functions that dont work so well. Or it could be the cure to ahlzeimers.

Second thoughts:

This is going to be horrible. Being a student who has gone through the public school system, it isn't easy to get through school and go to an Ivy league college. But now students who are from families that are more financially secure could get an implant that would make their kids be able to get in with no problem. This makes a whole new level of competition. A even worse situation for the admissions offices of any University.

Final thoughts:

I will most likely be dead or too old to care when this actually happenes.

So it's pretty cool.

The Dusty Wahls Words of Wisdom...

Don't have kids. America will turn into Japan where you have to look up when walking on sidewalks during finals week.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Robo Kid?

I only saw the first 20 minutes of Robo Cop in theatre's (something I regret a little) and left thinking that this would never happen. But apparently it has.

A man named  Miguel Nicolelis has been working on a robotic exoskeleton that can help a person in a wheel chair walk. By wearing a hat that reads the patients brainwaves, the robot listens and will start walking. ACTUALLY. This is so promising in the future that they are going to have a kid in a wheelchair walk out onto the field of the World Cup and kick the first ceremonial goal.

Now whether this will actually happen I do not know. It seems like quite a long shot. I could see a kid walking out onto the field and waving, but let's be honest, that would be kind of lame. But it seems to me that it would be a lot harder to kick a ball than it would to just walk. And whether that is going to happen I do not know.

The Dusty Wahl's Words of Wisdom

 Buy stock now! Nobody will say no to a kid in a wheelchair that can now walk.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

AI: Artificial Intelligence

I remember back when I was young watching IRobot or Terminator and thinking, could that actually happen? Robots taking over the world? Could there actually be a Jarvis like in Iron Man? Could Robert Downey Jr. Actually be Iron Man? Could that movie actually be a documentary?

Artificial Intelligence is just that. Right now somewhere in California (everything cool happens in California) there is millions of dollars pumping into thousands of young minds trying to create Jarvis. IBM has already come out with a robot named Watson who can apparently beat people at Jeopardy. This is such a growing industry that people want to explore that TED has combined with xprize and created a competition to see who can create a robot that can give a TED Talk that is good enough to gain a standing ovation.

This has made huge schools like Stanford and University of Washington offer classes on AI that thousands of students have already taken. Fat cats in the tech industry such as Google's CEO Larry Page, and Mark Zuckerberg are already putting millions of dollars into AI research so that they can start making some profit on it and being the leaders in this almost non-existent industry (for now). They are all hoping that students taking these intensive classes will come together build the next AI that will change the world and help humanity (like Larry Page, Sergey Brin, and Mark Zuckerberg).

What do you think about Artificial Intelligence? We here at The Dusty Wahl love to hear what you have to say!

The Dusty Wahl's Words of Wisdom
Move to California, because North Hennepin Community College won't offer this stuff for A WHILE!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

How to Succeed in Business Without Knowing About Business

That's right. The Dusty Wahl is becoming an entrepreneur! The backbone of America. The fighter of the universe.

My business is going to be called Squared Away Inc. and it is a service company that will help other entrepreneurs set up their Square POS system on a smartphone or tablet. I am currently working on a business plan and will post that when it is done. 

I will also continue to blog during the entire process to let you know what it takes to start your own business and hopefully one day I will post job openings! 

Soon you will all know. How to succeed in business without knowing about business!!! 

If anybody has any advice for a budding entrepreneur, please comment below. We here at The Dusty Wahl love to hear your opinions!

Wise words from The Dusty Wahl...

Don't actually do this unless you have gone to school for it... (unlike me) 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Phablets....Just, Why?

Cell phones have changed the world as we know it since the 90's. It was an amazing invention that allowed the world to stay connected without a wire. They first came out and they looked like bricks (incase you don't know what I'm talking about watch the first Wallstreet movie) and were huge things that only women could carry because they had purses.

As technology moved forward the cell phone became smaller and smaller. This was great! You could fit it in your pocket! The only problem was that it was easier to lose. However, now technology is reversing, and trying to get bigger, with .... the Phablet!

The Phablet is exactly what it sounds like, its is a phone tablet. So basically it is a huge phone that we can't fit in our pockets, which means we either have to carry around purses, or have that holster for it on our belt. (neither of which are better options than our pockets)

There is the HTC One Max, which has a 5.9 inch display. The Samsung Galaxy Mega, that has a 6.3 inch display, and the Sony Xperia Z, which has a 6.4 inch display. So you have a frame of reference the Nexus 7 tablet is only .6 inches bigger than these phones while the Ipad Mini has a 7.9 inch display.

To give you an even better frame of reference, the Iphone 4s has a 3.9 inch display. This is as big as phones should be, maybe a little bigger to maybe a 4.5 inch display, but nothing more. We are reversing in the technological timeline and it doesn't make sense! Cell phones are supposed to be small and manueverable. Not big and inconcealable.

If you have any oppinion of the Phablet, please comment below. Us here at The Dusty Wahl, love to hear what you got to say.

The Dusty Wahls Words of Wisdom

If it can't fit in your pocket, why buy it?

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Starbucks Still Sucks...


They still suck.....

And here's why....

The new cup that they came out with (which isn't actually that new I found out) is still awesome. However after using it for a couple weeks now, I have realized its downsides.

1. I am always so excited to use the cup and get my 1 dollars worth, that I find myself drinking 10 cups of coffee a day. This is not good for health, because when I drink a lot of caffeine (drinking decaf goes against my religion) I get very hungry

2. If you dont clean the cup for more than a couple days, it will get stained with coffee, which is very hard to get out. (no I refuse to wash my coffee cup more than twice a week)

3. Sometimes I wish it was bigger so I didn't have to fill it so many times a day.

Wise Words from The Dusty Wahl 

Still buy the cup.... 1 dollar.... Totally worth it...

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Why Starbucks Sucks Less...

I first have to apologize to all of my loyal readers out there. These past months have not been the highlight of The Dusty Wahl's existence. A lot of stuff has piled up with college applications, scholarship applications, and DECA. But I am here today to start again, and make a promise to you, that I will be making more posts. After all, it is 2014, and this is THE year.

My first post of the year.... Starbucks

I have never liked Starbucks for as long as I have been alive. I have always been a Caribou person, and I have been loyal to them for a long time now. Their drinks are just better, the coffee is better, the atmosphere is better, and I have just never had a drink that I liked at Starbucks. And it was until now that I have had any reason to praise the company.

Their reusable cup! I haven't had a reusable coffee cup since I got a thermos back when I was in elementary school and even that one leaked a bit. There was a new fad that came out recently with the ceramic coffee cups that have a rubber lid. This is probably one of the worst inventions that I have ever come across. The ceramic material makes the cup a real heavy sucker, along with the worst material of all, rubber. That rubber lid, as I was reminded by a friend of mine PBenson, will smell like the first thing you ever put in there, for the rest of it's life. It also isn't the best at holding coffee inside of the cup.

So until now have I been able to get a reusable cup that I like for coffee. Starbucks has come out with (am I'm sure it was a while ago) reusable plastic cup, that while sturdy, is also light. It keep the coffee warm for a considerable amount of time, while keeping your hands from burning. Starbucks has also proven that they understand the art of simplicity, as the cup looks just like one of their normal cups so it is simple and clean looking. But that's not the best part.


That's right, only a dollar. I have to say, that after using it for 24 hours I have already gotten my money's worth from it.

I highly recommend this cup to anyone and everyone. If your just a tea drinker, this is for you as well.

The Dusty Wahl's Words of Wisdom...

Only go to Starbucks if you are planning to buy this cup.