Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Other Movie I Should Have Seen Instead

If you are thinking about going to see The Other Woman. DONT. 

If you really want to know what it is about just go and see John Tucker Must Die because this movie is just a horrible knock off of that movie with more well known actresses/models and somehow worse acting. This movie was such a bust that I am actually still at it now and I had to let everybody know that they should never see it. For one Cameron Diaz isn't the worst actress in the world but she just does not fit this character. If you want to see a better film with her in it I suggest The Holiday. It is also a chick flick and a lot better. 
Lleslie man is also good but not in this movie. She did a much better job in 17 again which if you haven't seen, go see that way before you see this movie! 
And Kate Upton. WHY IS SHE IN THIS MOVIE!!! I'll tell you why. Because she is a super model and nothing else. They literally say this in the movie. They talk about how they don't know what her character brings to the table. It is absolutely horrible! 

The only good part of this movie is the guy. Who is a jerk in the movie. But he is probably the only good actor in the movie and I feel bad that he got stuck in this movie and I pray for his sake that he doesn't get murdered in Game of Thrones once the director watches this movie. 

The only reason I am watches this movie still in the theatre is.... 

Actually I take that back. He isn't that good either and this movie is sooo freaking bad I can't handle it. None of it makes sense. It is all overdramatized and NOT FUNNY. 

I don't really know how to describe this movie other than. It is the worst movie I have ever seen in my life. Mean girls is better and that's saying something because I hate that movie. This is also one of the most messed up story lines I've ever witnessed. 
For the love or god. Don't see it. I beg you. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Brain Jobs???

If any of you are familiar with the show Chuck, you know what an intersect is. If your not, well its basically a computer in your brain that lets you do anything the computer knows how to do. Like Kung Fu.

And soon, it's going to be real. There is now research going into the idea of being able to "upgrade" your brain. This will be for a numerous purposes such as learning languages, math, english, or even being able to focus more. They say that at some point in the future getting one of these "cognitive implants" will be as easy as getting a nose job, or calf implants.

First thoughts:

This would be AWESOME if somebody wanted to become a doctor or a rocket scientist but they naturally aren't good at science, they could just get an implant. Or if somebody was mentally handicapped then they could possibly get an implant that would be able to help speed up the cognitive functions that dont work so well. Or it could be the cure to ahlzeimers.

Second thoughts:

This is going to be horrible. Being a student who has gone through the public school system, it isn't easy to get through school and go to an Ivy league college. But now students who are from families that are more financially secure could get an implant that would make their kids be able to get in with no problem. This makes a whole new level of competition. A even worse situation for the admissions offices of any University.

Final thoughts:

I will most likely be dead or too old to care when this actually happenes.

So it's pretty cool.

The Dusty Wahls Words of Wisdom...

Don't have kids. America will turn into Japan where you have to look up when walking on sidewalks during finals week.


Monday, April 7, 2014

Robo Kid?

I only saw the first 20 minutes of Robo Cop in theatre's (something I regret a little) and left thinking that this would never happen. But apparently it has.

A man named  Miguel Nicolelis has been working on a robotic exoskeleton that can help a person in a wheel chair walk. By wearing a hat that reads the patients brainwaves, the robot listens and will start walking. ACTUALLY. This is so promising in the future that they are going to have a kid in a wheelchair walk out onto the field of the World Cup and kick the first ceremonial goal.

Now whether this will actually happen I do not know. It seems like quite a long shot. I could see a kid walking out onto the field and waving, but let's be honest, that would be kind of lame. But it seems to me that it would be a lot harder to kick a ball than it would to just walk. And whether that is going to happen I do not know.

The Dusty Wahl's Words of Wisdom

 Buy stock now! Nobody will say no to a kid in a wheelchair that can now walk.