Thursday, February 27, 2014

Why Starbucks Sucks Less...

I first have to apologize to all of my loyal readers out there. These past months have not been the highlight of The Dusty Wahl's existence. A lot of stuff has piled up with college applications, scholarship applications, and DECA. But I am here today to start again, and make a promise to you, that I will be making more posts. After all, it is 2014, and this is THE year.

My first post of the year.... Starbucks

I have never liked Starbucks for as long as I have been alive. I have always been a Caribou person, and I have been loyal to them for a long time now. Their drinks are just better, the coffee is better, the atmosphere is better, and I have just never had a drink that I liked at Starbucks. And it was until now that I have had any reason to praise the company.

Their reusable cup! I haven't had a reusable coffee cup since I got a thermos back when I was in elementary school and even that one leaked a bit. There was a new fad that came out recently with the ceramic coffee cups that have a rubber lid. This is probably one of the worst inventions that I have ever come across. The ceramic material makes the cup a real heavy sucker, along with the worst material of all, rubber. That rubber lid, as I was reminded by a friend of mine PBenson, will smell like the first thing you ever put in there, for the rest of it's life. It also isn't the best at holding coffee inside of the cup.

So until now have I been able to get a reusable cup that I like for coffee. Starbucks has come out with (am I'm sure it was a while ago) reusable plastic cup, that while sturdy, is also light. It keep the coffee warm for a considerable amount of time, while keeping your hands from burning. Starbucks has also proven that they understand the art of simplicity, as the cup looks just like one of their normal cups so it is simple and clean looking. But that's not the best part.


That's right, only a dollar. I have to say, that after using it for 24 hours I have already gotten my money's worth from it.

I highly recommend this cup to anyone and everyone. If your just a tea drinker, this is for you as well.

The Dusty Wahl's Words of Wisdom...

Only go to Starbucks if you are planning to buy this cup.