Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Goodbye Old Friend. It Had to be You. It's All Been Worth It. It's All Been Worth It. And I'd Do It Again.

Today, well not today, a few weeks ago, but today marks the end of an era. The Google Wallet Card will cease to exist after June 30th. 

If you look back at my posts or are a loyal follower, you know that Google Wallet has been a baby of mine and I've loved it since the beginning. I was the first to predict that they would come out with their own card to make transactions, and they did. And it was wonderful. I then made the prediction that they would be allowing mobile check deposits and way down the road, potentially credit cards.

I was wrong. 

The world did not see the power of Google Wallet as I clearly did. According to trustworthy sources, Google Wallet has been losing money since 2013 due to high transaction fees from credit card companies (American Express. Yea, I'm looking at you). Due to this, the Wallet Card has been cut by the new Google CFO after they performed an internal audit. 

So what's next for Google Wallet? What will happen to it now? Well, here at The Dusty Wahl, we believe that it is just the beginning of the story. After June 30th, they will come out with a new update for their app which will hopefully be prettier, and more user-friendly. They will focus on the peer to peer transactions and go from there. With competitors like Apple Pay and Android Pay (aren't they competing with themselves there?) they have to start going after their strengths, which again, from trusted sources, is apparently their peer to peer transactions. I know I personally have been squeezed out of a few jams just because of this function and we can't wait to see what they will come up with next. 

And they will come up with something next. Because it's Google. 

Wise words from The Dusty Wahl

Don't give up yet, Google Wallet is far from dead. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

It Can't Be!!!

That's right!

I know, I can't believe it either.

But there's nothing you can do about it.

HE'S BACK!!!!!!!

Yep, I am here to personally tell you that The Dusty Wahl is back in action and bigger than ever. TDW has just gotten himself into a bit of a wager with another blogging friend of his Man from a Green Bottle. Because of this "motivation" he will be bringing you unbelievably amazing content that covers hard hitting hot button issues. But no fear, The Wahl will only be bringing you the truth.

So lock in, buckle up, and get ready for the time of your life!

Wise Words from The Dusty Wahl...

Check back in a week, he's gonna be blogging again.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Traveling Tip # 1

There is a common misconception that I have found when it comes to traveling. Many people think that when you travel abroad you should take advantage of the time you have and see as many places as you can in the shortest amount of time possible. This is a sure fire way to not enjoy your trip.

You may agree that the worst part of visiting someone for the weekend is the time it takes to get there and back. This is the same when it comes to traveling abroad. One of the worst things you can do on a trip over seas is spend most of your time train hopping in order to get from one place to another.

Now I'm not saying that train rides can be fun and scenic, because they can be, they can also be a great place to meet fellow travelers. However after the 3rd day of being on a train for 7 hours each day, trains seem to lose their gusto. What you should worry more about is spending 3 days in 2 places rather than spending 1 day in 6, because you can get a Dusty Wahl official guarantee that you won't see enough of any of those 6 places.

One of the best things about traveling is learning about the different cultures and seeing what it's really like to live in this different place. The only way for someone to do that is if they stay there for a long period of time.

So next time you plan your trip to Europe or any other place, remember these words of wisdom.

The Dusty Wahl's Words of Wisdom...

When you visit a city, spend at least 48 hours there. You'll thank me later.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Dusty Wahl: International Hooligan


In case you were all wondering why you weren't able to read insane, spine tingling, hilarious content for the past couple months it is because The Dusty Wahl Blog has been on a hiatus. One that is finally over. 

During that hiatus we were working on various important tasks pertaining to the blog so that we could better serve you, our loyal readers. The most exciting creation that came out of the hiatus was our new segment that will be coming out shortly. This is a special series of blog posts that are going to be uncovering the wonders of Europe. One of our best writers is going to be shipping off the day after christmas to give us a first hand look at what Germany, Switzerland, and Italy have to offer. He is going to be covering everything from architecture, to local cuisine. It is a long awaited series that we here at The Dusty Wahl are very excited for, and you should be to. 

So stay tuned for, 

The Dusty Wahl: International Hooligan

Wise words from The Dusty Wahl...

Now that we are back, stay tuned for the craziest international ride of your life since European Vacation.  

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Happy Season Opener!

That's right, it's finally here. I know it's been on everybody's mind for a long while now. But there's no time to be nervous, cause it's the 2014 Internship Season Opener!!!!!

Today I am going out hunting the good hunt, and I wish the best for everybody. It's a tough game out there. But if the pre-season has anything to say about how the regular season is going to go. We are going for the gold! Hope everyone thinks the same.

Wise Word's from The Dusty Wahl...

Happy Hunting Everybody

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Welcome Back

It's been awhile since I've blogged, and for only mediocre reasons. Yesterday marked the start of my fourth week of college at the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire, and as expected by everybody but me, there is a ton of reading and work. Sadly because of this The Dusty Wahl has been put on the backburner. However from now on you all can look forward to and increase in posts these upcoming months.

Here at The Dusty Wahl we have big hopes for great content ranging from cooking, to movies, to tech reviews.

This is a great time for all of you to start reading and new readers to join the loyal community! Tell your friends, tell your family, tell your coworkers.


Wise Words from The Dusty Wahl...

Check back in later this week for a great new piece that's currently in the works.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

1000 Page Views!

I know it's been a while since The Dusty Wahl has posted something, and we here at the Wahl are very sad about this too. But even in these darkest of hours of silence there is one great thing to talk about.

The Dusty Wahl has finally passed the 1000 page view mark! This is a great accomplishment for the Wahl as we have been working hard for the past 10 months to try and make this blog what it is today. We want to thank all of our loyal readers for their relentless support and great feedback. We wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for you.

We are going to be continually working hard to make this 1000 paigeviews more of a weekly event. So stay tuned and see what we got in store for you!

Wise Words from The Dusty Wahl...

If your not reading The Dusty Wahl.
